6 Tips for Balancing Humidity Levels in Your Home in the Summer

Balancing Humidity

Humidity refers to the amount of moisture or water vapor present in the air. When humidity levels rise above 50 percent in your Annapolis, Maryland, home, you’ll not only feel uncomfortable but also increase the risk of microbial growth. Discover how sealing windows, using a dehumidifier and promoting air circulation can balance humidity levels in your home during the summer.

Use a Dehumidifier

In damp areas such as basements, a dehumidifier may prove useful in removing excess moisture and controlling musty odors to improve indoor air quality. When purchasing a dehumidifier, choose one with an Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers seal of approval.

Remove Absorbent Materials in Moisture-Prone Areas

Basements, bathrooms and laundry rooms are all areas of the home that are subject to problems with moisture. By removing absorbent materials such as carpets, rugs and pillows from these spaces, you can eliminate sources of moisture absorption.

Control Condensation

If condensation plagues your metal window frames, correct the problem by sealing your windows. Add weather stripping and install storm windows to further control moisture.

Maximize the Cooling From Your Air Conditioner

To keep humidity levels down during the summer, maximize the cooling capability of your home’s air conditioner. You can accomplish this by running the AC system and several fans together.

Promote Air Circulation Inside the Home

Allow fresh air inside your home when it’s cool outside, preferably during the early morning hours and at night. Allow the cool air to circulate inside your home with fans.

Repair Leaky Faucets and Pipes

Leaky faucets and pipes in your bathrooms and kitchen are more than mere annoyances. They can contribute to higher humidity levels in the home. If you can’t make repairs right away, wrap pipes in pipe insulation to keep them from dripping.

Keep your home’s air conditioning system operating at peak efficiency this summer. Contact Coastal Heating & Air Conditioning at 410-919-0110 to schedule an air conditioning tuneup with one of our service technicians.

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