A zoned home heating system allows you to divide your Annapolis, Maryland, home into several different spaces. It also lets you manage them independently of one another. If you’re looking for a new way to manage your home’s climate this winter, zoned home heating is the solution for your family.
Cost and Energy Savings
A zoned home heating system manages each area of the home independently. As a result, you won’t need to pay to heat areas that you aren’t occupying. You can direct heating to the living area during the day while bedrooms are empty. Then, you can focus your heating on your sleeping spaces at night. You may also want to separate your kitchen and dining area from the rest of the home to account for the natural heating you often enjoy when you’re cooking or gathering with a large group of people.
Improved Comfort
In a standard system, you have only one thermostat for your whole home. Even a smart programmable thermostat can only tell the furnace when to turn on and off based on the temperature in its location.
While a centrally located unit will certainly maximize efficiency, there’s a good chance that remote parts of the home aren’t the same temperature as this central location. This can result in hot and cold spots around the house. With multiple thermostats and a zoned system, you can regulate different areas more accurately.
Customized Solutions for Each Family Member
If you have family members with different temperature preferences, you might find yourself mediating a constant battle. By zoning different parts of the home, you can accommodate different preferences in the most energy-efficient way possible.
If you’re interested in learning more about how a zoned heating system will work in your home, give Coastal Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. a call at 410-919-0110. We can help you explore the different solutions available to you. Call us to discuss how to set up the zones in your home for the best efficiency and comfort.
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