Cool Gadgets for a Smart Home

Cool Gadgets for Your Smart Home

Residents in Annapolis, Maryland, love to use their smartphones to manage their household. Their smart mobile device turns their house into a smart home. Smart devices may handle complex features, but they’re easy to use. Here are five cool gadgets that help you manage your smart home remotely:

Mini Wi-Fi Smart Plug

A mini Wi-Fi Smart Plug turns your household appliances into smart appliances. When you insert the smart plug into your outlet and connect your device (e.g., an iron) to the smart plug, you can turn the appliance off and on from your smartphone. You can also sync other devices with your smart plug. For instance, you can use a smart plug for your child’s television or video game and control when they use it.

Wi-Fi smart plugs are great for appliances you use frequently. They help your household run smoothly. Smart plugs monitor the instruments connected to them and also help secure your home.

Also, the device empowers you and gives you peace of mind. Even if you’re out of town, you can control your lights as if you were home. Lastly, the smart plug helps lower your utility bill since it only turns on the appliances when you need them.

Smart Water Leakage Detector

Have you experienced a water leak? If your utility bill increases and you don’t know why, see if you can find a water stain or damage to your home. Water leaks are the most common insurance claims. The water leakage detector is not a new technology. Homeowners have enjoyed the benefit from water leakage detectors. The alarm will sound when it detects a leak, notifying the homeowner.

However, classic leakage detectors require someone to be in the home to hear the alarm. Smart water leakage detectors allow homeowners to receive notification through their smartphone. That means they can receive a notification when they’re not at home.

Just place them in areas prone to leaking, and if you’re experiencing a leak, the device will notify you through an app on your smartphone. This smart device can save you from expensive home damage and high water bills.

Smart Oven

If you have a smart oven, it means your kitchen range is Wi-Fi or Bluetooth enabled. It comes with a smartphone app that allows you to monitor and adjust your food’s cooking temperature without standing in front of the oven. A smart oven allows you to:

  • Control specific features from your smartphone or smart devices
  • Turn your oven on or off remotely
  • Adjust the temperature or preheat your oven
  • Assist with cooking your food.
  • Get a notification when your oven preheats or when it’s time to remove your dish from the oven

Smart Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors help turn your smart home into a safe one. They provide additional benefits to the typical smoke detector. These smart detectors allow you to receive notifications on your smartphone. What if you’re away from home and you have a pet in the house? A smart smoke detector may save your pet’s life.

Smart Thermostats

Control your thermostat from anywhere with a smart thermostat. Just schedule your thermostat or allow it to anticipate your needs.

Smart thermostats connect to your home’s Wi-Fi and let you use your smartphone to manage your settings from in and outside your home. The geofencing technology allows your thermostat to set a virtual boundary around your house so that it can detect your whereabouts.

Smart tools are cool tools. They:

  • Increase your efficiency
  • Enhance your home safety
  • Reduce catastrophic events
  • Lower your utility bills
  • Make specific tasks easy to manage

Interested in a smart thermostat? Contact Coastal Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. at 410-919-0110 to learn more about our smart thermostats or to schedule a professional installation.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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