3 Reasons to Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

Using Smart Thermostat Remotely

The weather in Davidsonville, MD, changes drastically between the seasons. As a result, many homeowners struggle to maintain indoor comfort without spending a fortune on heating and cooling bills. With a smart thermostat, you can improve comfort while saving energy in your home.

Enjoy Comfortable Indoor Temperatures

With a smart thermostat, you don’t have to look at the weather report every night before reprogramming the unit. Instead, your thermostat can automatically adjust itself based on the weather outside and how it impacts indoor comfort. As a result, your home will feel more comfortable no matter what the weather outside feels like.

Benefit From Increased Energy Cost Savings

A smarter thermostat takes the human error out of the equation. When you’re constantly adjusting the temperature on your thermostat, it’s easy to raise the level to keep it warmer, but this comes at a cost.

A smart thermostat can track usage and make adjustments to lower energy waste without sacrificing comfort. While a smart thermostat costs more than a standard programmable model, most owners report cost savings within the first few months of usage, which can help offset the price tag. You may also qualify for rebates through your local energy company, which makes it easier to afford.

Take Advantage of Remote Accessibility

One of the biggest reasons people choose to upgrade to a smart thermostat is the convenience factor. If you forget to switch your HVAC system to a vacation setting before heading out of town, you could spend a lot of money to heat or cool an empty home.

When you have a smart thermostat, you can adjust the settings through an app on your mobile device. This gives you more control from anywhere, as long as you have a Wi-Fi connection.

Upgrade your HVAC system with a smart thermostat. Contact Coastal Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. to learn more about our smart thermostats or to schedule a professional installation.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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