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Is It Worth It to Upgrade Your Home’s HVAC System?

HVAC System Upgrade

Acquiring the comforts of home will include some of the biggest investments you’ll ever make. When a lot of money is involved, it only seems logical that you do all you can to preserve these investments. Sometimes, however, no matter how much you care for home systems, time and wear and tear will make repairs and replacements inevitable. The same is true for your HVAC system. However, many homeowners question the need to upgrade their system based on initial costs. If you’re on the fence about whether to upgrade the HVAC system in your Annapolis, Maryland, home, here’s a guide to help you weigh the pros and cons.

Age Is a Factor

If your HVAC system is more than 15 years old, you should consider a replacement. However, if your system hasn’t caused any problems, it’s often hard to justify the cost. Even if it hasn’t malfunctioned, it still might not be performing efficiently. Our HVAC technicians can evaluate its performance during an annual tuneup. You might find that your system is consuming more energy than necessary or doing a poor job of filtering your indoor air.

Initial Cost vs. Potential Savings

One of the foremost reasons for considering an HVAC upgrade deals with the potential savings from the investment. With the latest advancements in HVAC technology, systems have become far more efficient, leading to lower energy bills and fewer repairs. If you opt for a system with the Energy Star logo, the savings on your energy bill allows the system to pay for itself over its life.

Return on Investment

Another perk of upgrading your HVAC system deals with the value of your home. If you plan on selling in the next few years, consider that new HVAC systems are a highly coveted feature for buyers.

Once you’ve decided that it’s time for an upgrade, partner with the right HVAC team that can install the system quickly and efficiently. That’s when you call Coastal Heating and Air Conditioning at 410-919-0110. We’ll help you to select the right unit for your home and install it correctly so that it meets your comfort needs for many seasons.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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