5 HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners in Annapolis, MD


Millions of people across the country enjoy the amazing companionship of a pet. Unfortunately, cats, dogs, rabbits and other furry creatures shed hair that can make its way into your HVAC system. Here are five helpful tips to take better care of your heating and cooling system in Annapolis, MD.

Regularly Brush Your Pet

Your pet is constantly shedding hair onto your rugs and furniture. This hair ends up in your HVAC system and ductwork. Combing your animal regularly in a controlled environment stops that hair from sticking to your belongings and worsening your air quality.

Vacuum Weekly

Vacuuming your carpets and rugs at least once a week contains all those pet allergens and hair before they spread and affect more rooms. Don’t forget to sweep under your tables and along the edges of your living areas.

Invest in Better Filters

Disposable one-month filters aren’t enough to combat your pet’s endless amount of hair. It’s better to choose a filter with a higher MERV rating that can catch more particulates. Homes often have filters with MERV ratings between 5 and 12.

Switch Filters More Frequently

No matter what type of filter you use, you’ll likely have to switch it more frequently due to the surplus hair and dander. Consider shortening your filter’s recommended usage by a few weeks or even a month to ensure your furnace is receiving a healthy air supply.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Owning pets increases seasonal wear and tear on your heating system. Schedule HVAC maintenance twice a year to have your furnace professionally examined and improved by an expert.

You can protect your HVAC system from your pets by investing in better filters and following a strict vacuuming and brushing routine. Contact Coastal Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. for superior indoor air quality services in Annapolis, MD.

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