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Allergy-Proof Your Home This Spring With These 5 Tips

Allergy ProofYourHome

If you or your loved ones suffer from allergies, spring can be one of the most miserable times of year. Pollen is at its highest, and it can wreak havoc on your respiratory system. With these simple tips, you can allergy-proof your home in Annapolis, Maryland:

Change Your Air Filters

Clean and replace your filters often. Aim to do so every 90 days. You may want to invest in a filter with a higher MERV rating so that it can trap smaller particles that can trigger allergy symptoms. As a result, you’ll reduce the amount of allergens recirculating in your home.

Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum

Vacuum everything you can think of, including flooring, carpets and furniture. Pay close attention to the corners of your rooms and under furniture where allergens, pet hair and dander may hide.

Groom Your Furry Friends

If you share your home with pets, it’s a good idea to have their sleeping area well away from yours. Clean their bedding thoroughly at least once a week. Make sure they have a regular bathing schedule, and brush them a couple of times a week outside. As a result, you’ll keep as much dander as possible out.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Dirt, dust and pet dander can become trapped in your HVAC components. Clogged filters can push more pollutants into your indoor air supply. There’s also the risk of reducing the airflow, which can lead to stagnant air and dust settling around your home. Schedule HVAC maintenance to ensure your system is working effectively, efficiently and not worsening your indoor air quality.

Ventilate Your Home

When you add an air ventilator with filtration to your home, you can push the stagnant air out and bring fresh air in. Fresh air can help reduce the amount of dust and dander buildup around your home. Therefore, consider investing in an energy recovery ventilator.

Breathe a little easier this spring by trying the tips above. Want more information on air ventilators, or do you need to schedule HVAC maintenance? Call us at 410-919-0110 today. Coastal Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. will help you get on the path to better home IAQ.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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