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4 Home Maintenance Tasks to Tackle Before Spring

Ready for Spring

With spring just around the corner, homeowners in Queen Anne County, Maryland, are pulling out their seasonal to-do lists. Make sure you tackle these four home maintenance tasks before the weather warms up for good.

Check for Winter Damage

Start with a visual inspection of your home’s exterior. Look for cracks in the foundation, loose or missing shingles on the roof, damage to the siding, and leaky gutters. Many repairs will be simple DIY projects, but be sure to call in a professional for help with the foundation. If you have a chimney, check for signs that masonry is absorbing water rather than repelling it and reseal as necessary.

Reinforce Your Thermal Envelope

Next, check your windows and doors for gaps and cracks. Your home’s thermal envelope does more than keep your home warmer during the winter; it keeps the hot summer air separate from the conditioned air in your house. Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal any leaks you find. That way, your AC won’t have to work as hard to keep you cool.

Schedule an AC Tuneup

Speaking of air conditioners, be sure to have yours inspected before temperatures climb too high. You can perform simple tasks yourself, such as changing the air filter or clearing debris off the outside unit, but leave everything else to a professional. You can schedule tuneups as needed or sign up for one of our preventive maintenance plans, which include two annual service visits (one in fall and one in spring) plus benefits like priority emergency service and a discount on parts and labor.

Address Any Humidity Problems

Finally, take a moment to measure the humidity in your home. If you’ve had problems with mold and mildew, you’ll want to address the source. That may mean improving ventilation in your bathroom or basement or adding a dehumidifier. Alternatively, you may find the air in your home to be too dry. In that case, consider installing a whole-home humidifier for easier breathing.

Whether you need an AC tuneup or want to improve your home’s indoor air quality, Coastal Heating & Air Conditioning can help. Give us a call today at 410-919-0110.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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