Getting Your Heating System Ready for Fall

With fall approaching, now is the time to get your heating system ready for the cold weather in Annapolis, Maryland. Keeping your heating system in good working condition is the best way to ensure that you and your household remain safe and comfortable during the cold winter months.

Clean Your Furnace

Dust, dirt and other material can accumulate in your furnace, and decrease the efficiency of the heating system. Even more seriously, this can increase the risk of fire. For thorough cleaning and maintenance of your furnace it is best to rely on the services of a qualified HVAC contractor. Your contractor will also check the unit for any damage or threat of carbon monoxide leaks. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a very serious problem, especially during the colder months. Every measure should be taken to ensure that your furnace can be safely operated.

Replace Your Filter

Your air filter must be cleaned or replaced regularly. The buildup of dirt and debris will affect airflow through the system and reduce its efficiency. Indoor air quality is also negatively affected. This is one of the simple HVAC maintenance tasks that you can undertake, and should incorporate into your schedule to ensure you do not forget. Be sure to check with your HVAC specialist if you are not sure how to take care of your filter.

Upgrade Your System

There comes a time when age and the extent of damage will make frequent repair and maintenance necessary, which can become very costly. The extent of repair can also be expensive. In such cases it is better to consider upgrading to a more efficient system. Not only will this reduce repair expenses and improve indoor comfort, but you will also start to see savings on your energy bill from a more efficient and reliable system.

Put safety and comfort first and contact the pros at Coastal Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. at 410-919.0110. We can provide the systems and services you need so you can be comfortable indoors without worrying about what your heating system might do next. Call us today for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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