2 Top DIY HVAC Maintenance Tasks

Replacing Air Filter

Are you a problem solver? Do you love to take on a fixer-upper? Rather than getting frustrated when something needs to be repaired, do your hands tingle with excitement at the thought of putting them to good use? If you’ve touched up every inch of your home and feel you’ve run out of projects, then you’ve come to the right place. The HVAC system in your Annapolis, Maryland, home could always use some DIY attention. While you won’t be dismantling and rebuilding your HVAC system, there are a few HVAC maintenance tasks you can take on to keep your system in top condition.

Replace the Air Filter Regularly

This may not take you an entire weekend, as some DIY projects would, but this DIY task is crucial to the efficient operation of your HVAC system. Air filters, which catch particles and help keep your home and system clean, get clogged over time and require replacement. Most filters should be replaced with a fresh filter every one to three months. A clean filter will increase HVAC efficiency and indoor air quality.

Clean the System

While you should leave the cleaning of internal HVAC components to professionals, you can keep an eye on the area outside of the system. Check your outdoor compressor unit often, since dirt, dust, and debris can get caught in the unit, limiting efficiency. Also clean the dust and dirt off of the indoor unit, as well as the area around vents and heat registers. Around both the indoor and outdoor units, maintain about two feet of clear space to maintain maximum efficiency.

Of course, where your HVAC system is concerned, it is important to know what tasks you should leave it to the professionals. No matter your level of competency, HVAC systems require the attention of a trained technician. Anything related to the internal workings of your system should be left to pros. But by keeping up with the above DIY maintenance tasks, you can have a more efficient and more comfortable home. And when you need that professional touch, give Coastal Heating and Air a call at 410-919-0110.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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