6 Tips for Choosing the Best Geothermal HVAC Installer

Part Of Geothermal HVAC System

A geothermal HVAC system offers a highly efficient solution for your heating and cooling needs. Check out these tips to learn more about selecting the right best geothermal HVAC installer in Annapolis, MD:

Check Certifications and Training

To install a geothermal HVAC system, the service technician should have fusion technician training. This training — and current certification — proves essential to ensuring your service technician has the skills to correctly install your new system. The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association also has minimum requirements and certification standards that companies must meet.

Before you hire an HVAC company, make sure the service technician they’ll send out has that certification. You want to make sure the service technician installs your system correctly and you don’t experience problems that will cause issues down the road.

Ask About Geothermal HVAC Experience

Not all HVAC companies have the skills necessary to install geothermal HVAC systems. Ideally, you want to find a company that has experience with geothermal models. If a company has only recently added geothermal HVAC installation to their resume, you may want to ask for reviews from satisfied customers before moving forward.

Ask for More Information

Before you select a geothermal HVAC installer, do your research and make sure you understand what you’re looking for. While you don’t need to become an expert on geothermic systems, you do want to make sure you have a solid understanding of what you’re paying for. Then, ask your installer some key questions.

First, ask, “How did the installer calculate heating and cooling loads?” Ask about their calculations for your home and family. A generic estimate won’t provide you with a full idea of exactly what your home needs.

Accurate calculations will include the home’s size, its insulation and where you’re located geographically. Savvy installers will even take into account how the home orients to the sun and how that can impact your needs.

Next, ask, “What is the right system for my needs?” Ask your HVAC installer to walk you through how they arrived at their ideal solution.

If you’re provided with options, keep in mind that the most expensive option is not necessarily the right one for your specific needs. Discuss your options with your installer and ask how they arrived at the conclusion of the right geothermal system for your needs.

Ask About Rebates and Incentives

Both local and federal governments often offer rebates and financial incentives for homeowners who install energy-efficient geothermal heating and cooling systems. If you’re working with an experienced installer, they’ll know all about them. They’ll be able to provide you with an overview of rebates and incentives that could save you money on your installation.

Discuss Service Options

Often, your HVAC installer will also be able to take care of service on the system, including repairs and maintenance. However, you want to know more about service options, including how long, on average, it will take to get someone out to look at your geothermal HVAC system. You should also ask about potential service requirements and how to keep your geothermal HVAC system running at peak efficiency.

Don’t Forget to Ask About Warranties

A high-quality HVAC installer will provide you with warranty options that will cover any damage to the geothermal HVAC system or problems you may have. Make sure you’re aware of what the warranty covers so that in case of damage to the geothermal HVAC system, you can get the assistance you need.

If you’re looking for a geothermal HVAC installer in Annapolis, MD, look no further. Contact Coastal Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. today to schedule an appointment to discuss your HVAC options.

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