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5 Resolutions to Reduce Your Energy Bills and Environmental Impact

Lower Energy Bill

Everyone has goals they want to achieve. Losing weight and quitting smoking are two of the most common. But more and more homeowners in Annapolis, Maryland, are aiming to save energy and reduce their household’s carbon footprint. Going green isn’t as hard as you think, and you don’t have to sacrifice your comfort to save the planet. Read on to learn five simple resolutions that will help you reduce your energy bills and environmental impact in 2020.

Switch to LED Lights

The light-emitting diode (LED) is one of the most energy-efficient technologies available for homeowners. Residential LED lights use 75 percent less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent lighting.

By 2027, the widespread use of LED lights could save the country about 348 TWh of electricity, which is the equivalent energy output of 44 large power plants and a savings of more than $30 billion at the current energy prices. What’s more, LED lights barely emit heat, whereas incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps release a lot of it.

Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

Upgrading your HVAC system with a smart thermostat will involve an upfront cost. But instead of thinking of it as an expense, consider it an investment. That’s because smart thermostats help you save energy and money.

With a smart thermostat, you’ll no longer have to adjust your home’s temperature manually. You can program the device for multiple settings for every day of the week, and some models can even learn your habits to make automatic adjustments. You’ll also enjoy remote access, detailed energy usage reporting and important maintenance reminders.

Change the HVAC Air Filter

Adequate airflow is vital to HVAC efficiency, and a dirty air filter will inhibit it. You should aim to change your HVAC filter every three months. If you own pets or suffer from allergies, change it every month. As a result, you’ll:

  • Prevent straining your system and wasting energy to heat and cool your home.
  • Reduce the risk of a significant breakdown and requiring a costly repair.
  • Filter more particle pollutants for better indoor air quality.

Eliminate Vampire Power

Did you know that your electronic devices can consume energy even when they aren’t on? Vampire power refers to the electricity drawn from outlets when electronic devices are off but still plugged in. And if you think the amount of energy these devices waste is negligible, think again. It can account for 15 percent of your household’s energy usage.

To avoid wasting energy, unplug electronic devices like computers, stereos and chargers when you aren’t using them. The most convenient way to do this is by plugging multiple devices into a power strip and turning it off when you’re not using it. By keeping this simple resolution, you can save hundreds per year on your energy bills.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Your HVAC system accounts for half of your home’s energy usage. Therefore, you must do everything you can to ensure it operates at peak efficiency. The most important task is to schedule preventive HVAC maintenance.

Ideally, you should schedule HVAC maintenance once in the spring for your air conditioner and again in the fall for your heater. As a result, you’ll enjoy lower energy bills, require fewer breakdowns and extend the life of your equipment.

You don’t have to sacrifice comfort to save energy, money and the environment. All you must do is remain diligent about keeping the above resolutions throughout the year. As a result, you’ll do your part to save the future of the planet. To learn more about saving energy and reducing your environmental impact, contact Coastal Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. today at 410-919-0110. We’ll help you lower your heating bills and become a greener homeowner.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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