7 HVAC Misconceptions to Keep in Mind in Edgewater, MD


Your HVAC system definitely proves its worth in the summer and winter in Edgewater, MD. However, there are many misconceptions surrounding HVAC systems you need to know about. Read on to separate the facts from the myths surrounding HVAC systems.

Set Your Thermostat to a Consistent Temperature to Save

Today’s smart thermostats can self-adjust temperatures catering to your routine and environment. Keeping your thermostat at a constant temperature won’t save on energy used to heat cold rooms. Dropping the temperature of your thermostat to a lower temperature than you want won’t cool your home faster. Here are some tips from our team of experts for dealing with your thermostat:

  • Invest in programmable thermostats to save on adjustment details and be energy-efficient.
  • You can reduce the temperature a few degrees when you sleep or leave your home. It’s a great way to cut your HVAC-related costs.
  • Insulate your home by closing windows and curtains during the night.
  • During the winter, set the thermostat at 68 degrees. In summer, set it at 78 degrees. To save more, add or reduce the temperature within an 8-degree range when away.

Sealing Rooms and Vents is Energy-Efficient

Blocking off your vents is doing more harm than good to your home. The sealed vents increase the pressure that could lead to leaks in any vented spaces.

Don’t be quick to seal the air seams with duct tape. Instead, use a mastic sealant.

For best repair, seek services from experienced and certified service technicians for proper sealing. It’s a cost that’ll save you more money in the long run.

You Don’t Need to Change the Filter Regularly

The filter in your HVAC system is a significant item that assists in trapping dirt, dust and foreign particles. Such materials quickly pile up in your filter and, in turn, reduce the airflow. Make sure your change your air filter every month for maximum efficiency. Also, make sure the filter’s MERV rating matches what your HVAC system requires.

A Bigger HVAC System is a Better Choice

Your HVAC system should reflect your home’s needs and uses. Bigger is not necessarily better with HVAC. The best choice is a properly-sized system.

An oversized HVAC system will add on costs as it keeps cycling on and off. Service technicians will survey your home and offer you a properly-fitting HVAC system.

The same applies to undersized systems, which will run for more time to accommodate your home’s needs. That, in turn, results in more energy wasted and higher costs.

You Won’t Need Much HVAC Maintenance

Your HVAC system dictates your indoor comfort and the general air quality of your home. Like all machines, it requires routine check-ups and HVAC maintenance. We also advise annual upgrades for your HVAC system to keep it functioning effectively.

Your Windows Add Up Most of Your Energy Costs

Windows and doors do indeed contribute to a whole lot of heat and cool air getting lost at your home. However, research shows that most of your energy loss occurs at the roof.

Ceilings, roofs and walls cause at least half of the energy lost in homes. Therefore, consider proper insulation of your home to cut energy loss.

Where You Place Your Thermostat Doesn’t Matter

An effective thermostat is the surest way to have a high-performing HVAC system. Your home has spots that influence your home’s temperature.

Placing your thermostats around these areas can lead to inaccurate temperature reading changes. It’s best to avoid placing it around the kitchen, vents, direct sunlight and hallways.

Stay knowledgeable and look out for some of the HVAC myths going around. For any AC repair and maintenance needs or questions regarding your HVAC system, contact our experts at Coastal Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc.

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